How to plan a book launch campaign

When you’re ready to publish your book, create some 'noise' around the book launch using Social media and, if you have one, your own website. Although in-person activities are viable, a virtual book launch campaign reaches a wider audience.  

What Is a Book Launch?

Book Launch:

A book launch is the day your book officially goes up for sale; it’s a crucial marketing opportunity!

 Readers have drastically shifted to digital, whether through audiobooks, online libraries, or subscription reading platforms. By  interacting with those potential readers online, Self publishers could boost sales by 200%.

Learn How to Launch a Book on Social Media:

This is how you Launch your Book on Social Media: 


1. Build your virtual Book Launch campaign.

First you need a plan. The launch campaign should include all the digital activities you run before, the day of, and after your book release. 

To develop your campaign, start off by identifying these main elements:

Timeline: how long do you have until the day of your release? Is your date flexible? Have you thought about a pre-order period? (Read more on setting up a pre-order below.)

Budget: how much money can you invest in your book launch campaign?

Goals: what are your objectives? To make it into Amazon’s best-seller category? To gather as many reviews as you can?

Tactics: what are the actual digital marketing tactics you want to implement that best support your goals, budget, and timeline?

 2. Create/Freshen Up Your Social Media Accounts 

Once you’ve finalised your plan. Create or freshen up your social media accounts.

With self-published, books ,selling happens mainly online, you seldom end up on bookshelves. Positive online reviews and discussions help drive book sales. That’s why you need at least one social media account for not only your book launch but your entire author career.

Here are some of the best social media platforms to consider:

  • Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with nearly 3 billion monthly users. Facebook ads for authors are popular for promoting books.
  • Twitter (X) uses short posts known as tweets, effective for more personal branding styles.
  • Instagram is a photo and video sharing platform, great for visual communication.
  • TikTok is the newest social platform that has made a global impact. Its BookTok community has generated fantastic results for some indies.
  • LinkedIn works well if you’re publishing content for business peers.

Don’t forget to set up your author pages on author-specific platforms. Goodreads is the largest site for book lovers and book recommendations. Amazon’s author page (if you sell on Amazon) is an important space for people to learn more about you.

One idea: use Facebook to update your followers on a weekly to monthly basis. Then, useTikTok or Instagram’s reel function to foster your author brand via video content on a more frequent basis.


Tip: search for book-related keywords or hashtags like #books, #authors, or #yourbookgenre. Hashtags are words or phrases preceded by the # symbol used on social networks to categorize topics and interests.

Whether you’re newly creating or freshening up your social accounts, you will need to get and stay active online. If you’ve been maintaining a social media presence, great! If not, start by updating your profile pictures and descriptions and begin posting regularly. 

3. Post Content that will engage people

In your social media strategy for book launch, no matter who your target audience is, content is everything. And, for your content to be effective, it needs to be engaging, 'gotta Hook people'


Post a picture that does NOT feature your book cover. Instead, post about YOU and how you’re feeling, let people connect to you, post regular updates ranging from in-depth analyses of your sales and reviews to ranting about writer’s block . This can be extremely popular with followers. Much more popular than a “Check out my book!” post.  

Don’t be shy about sharing the challenges you’ve faced with your publishing process, and any achievements you’re proud off. 

More tips:

  • Engage by asking people for their opinions. Offer samples and ask for book reviews. Run a giveaway event by asking your audience to tag friends and family.
  • Engage by giving. Comment on posts and help others with your knowledge and experience. Re-share posts by published authors or blog posts by book bloggers. These organic efforts can lead to new connections and friendly swaps for reviews, book promotions, and more.
  • Try using different types of content.  Use memes, gifs, and videos. Try narrating your quote over a short video clip with music. Get creative.

4. Set-up a Pre-Order campaign 

Pre-orders start and speed-up your book’s sales count on the first day of release. This increases the chances of getting your book ranked higher in store search engines and landing in bestseller charts. Use a month to a year of your pre-order period to build hype, gain credibility, and collect those orders until the day of your book launch.

After setting your pre-order period, plan your social media activities around that. Make your pre-order link visible and easy to find. Share in your social posts. Pin one of those posts to appear at the top of your social pages. With Instagram, add the link to your profile’s bio section. Change your profile pictures to branded ones about your upcoming book, then add a link in the captions. 

5. Create a Plan and work to it

Within your book launch social media campaign, compile your content ideas into a single document. Then, get organized by sticking to a schedule. Plan posts on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. You need only a couple of hours to draft a handful of posts for the upcoming week. 

6. Have a Set of photo or memes Ready

Visual elements get attention. Link your posts to a photo or meme. 

For your book launch create a set of on-brand graphics for your book. 

7. Join Online Groups

There are several social networking sites you can join. Use the one you are already using or one you feel most comfortable with to get in touch with other Independent publishers.

Post at least twice a month. Gather a group of authors willing to swap likes, rights and wrongs, successes and failures and general comments. 

8. Organize a Virtual Book Launch Party 

Celebrating your book release with a digital party is a great way to engage with readers. Unlike an in-person event, its a relatively low or no cost-free event, and from the comfort of your home or office. Next how to prepare your best virtual launch party ideas.

Decide on a budget . You’ll be saving on renting a venue or providing refreshments, instead, invest in giveaway prizes. 

  • Physical copies of your book to deliver as giveaways. Or electronic copies. No postage cost.
  • Freebie items like branded pens, stickers, etc.
  • Designed promo materials like invitations or flyers. 
  • Decorations for your backdrop when live.
  • Equipment for your live event, like a high-quality camera.

Prepare your equipment

 A good internet connection is a must. Test your equipment in advance. Is your video camera, microphone, or lighting suitable? If not, invest in something better. Check this guide on streaming equipment. With lighting, natural light is recommended, but test it out with your setting. 

Plan the itinerary

You can be as creative as you want or afford!  If it helps, choose a theme. Maybe your launch is near Christmas, and you want to get festive. Here's a few virtual launch event ideas:

Book reading: read your favorite chapter or a page that ends with a cliffhanger, a Hook!

Book signing: you can do this electronically.

Guest segments: invite an influencer, someone who has already read your book and can talk about it.

Maybe consider raffle prizes.

Poll/feedback session: ask your audience to help you finalise your book cover, title, etc. 

Send out digital invites

When it comes to launch party invitation ideas, if you have a theme for your launch, your creatives like e-card invites and social graphics should reflect that.  

Find a helper

If possible, find a helper to help you rehearse and provide honest feedback. Your helper can also moderate the live chat, answer any questions, collect email addresses, or periodically share your pre-order link. During your event, ask friends and family for pre-planned questions to get things rolling.

Say thank you

Don’t forget to say thank you by writing a post on social media or emailing participants. Use this opportunity to share the rest of your social accounts, ask people to subscribe to your newsletter, or whatever else. Give a reason to stay connected.

Most important  feel proud and enjoy yourself. You’ve already achieved the most important part: completing your book!