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We  want to help  'First Time AUTHORS write, publish, market and publicise their book.

Self-Publishing? and want to publicise your book  FREE. on our bookcase (we list all genres no fees or catches) contact us.

Articles and Tips for first time writers

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There are millions of great (and some not so great) novels out there. Writing and getting your manuscript into a sellable book form and then published is a long hard path, with obstacles at every turn. So here are are a few tips to help you write your book. Promote the book and the important bit publish, and SELL it. 


A literary agent is a person who represents the business interests of writers and their written works. Some  Agents work with new writers acting as business-minded intermediaries between the writer and book publishers. Naturally , they are in it for the money, so get your query letter and manuscript spot on. (more about query letters later)  


Publishing, marketing and selling your novel.

First let's look at the facts:

Might help us to be not so hard on ourselves as the rejections start to trickle in. 

How many submissions do Literary Agents receive

  Literary Agents receive

 Between 100 and 200 queries each every week. An agent might only sign one new author a year....


Hybrid publishers

There are a couple of important distinctions between traditional and hybrid publishing. (I will come to vanity publishers later) As discussed here, you will only receive a small portion of the royalties with a traditional publisher, 10% – 15% per book, because they handle all publishing and marketing tasks for you. No upfront cost.


When we writers finish our first book, we often face the big question: Should we pursue self-publishing or try our luck with traditional publishing? New authors should consider these Pros and Cons and read the other pages on my website before deciding between self-publishing and traditional publishing. 


Marketing self published books can cost anywhere from zero to tens of thousands of pounds. It all depends on your situation. Maybe you’ve got a passion project that shouldn’t require a hefty budget. Or you've written and published a novel but for now, your budget screams "start light." Whatever the case, these 10 cost-effective tips on how to market a self published book can help.


You've chosen the self-publishing pathway! As you know or about to find-out, this is not an easy path to negotiate. You'll have to write, self-publish, design a book cover and promote your novel. Wherever you are on the' indie' patway , developing a marketing plan is a must. So here’s a guide on how to create your book marketing plan. 


How to design a book cover that stands out.


You know the saying: don’t judge a book by its cover. Well, readers do. Both the design and the Blurb!

Readers/purchasers are attracted by the book cover and the Blurb! 

Before social media platforms, I remember going to a book shop to look for my next read. I browsed through book covers and the Blurb. If one stood out, I read a few pages and if I liked what I read, I bought the book. The Book cover and Blurb were the hook.So Book cover design matters, and authors need to get it right to ensure their book will attract as many readers (buyers) as possible.  

There are two options when it comes to book cover design: hire a professional or work alone.

Why is your book description important? 

The book description simply answers the question: what is the book about? It’s different from the book blurb that goes on the back of your physical book. Your book description is part of your metadata, which holds your book details for stores and readers to access. And to successfully sell your book, you want to regularly optimise your metadata throughout your publishing journey. Before learning how to write a book description that sells, let’s go over what book metadata exactly is.


When you’re ready to publish your book, create some 'noise' around the book launch using Social media and, if you have one, your own website. Although in-person activities are viable, a virtual book launch campaign reaches a wider audience.  

What Is a Book Launch?

A book launch is the day your book officially goes up for sale; it’s a crucial marketing opportunity!

 Readers have drastically shifted to digital, whether through audiobooks, online libraries, or subscription reading platforms. By  interacting with those potential readers online, Self publishers could boost sales by 200%.






Angels Love Bad Men

This is an extract from the first novel by a Self-published author to be added to the bookcase. 

Read Angels Love Bad Men 


 Bookcase to help promote your novel free

WANT To Publicise your New book? Be the next  'Self-published' Author  to Add your novel to this new book-case FREE .

faircop doesn't have WOKE rules. I want to help publicise your observations, experiences, thoughts and novel on everything/anything that affects, worsens or improves our/your society whatever they are. (We list all genres no fees or catches)